TUAUPE History:
Since 1977 TUAUPE "TUA Used Photo Equip" has been buying antique/classic photographic equipment, From all over the world.
We purchase from induvisdul and Company in large and small quaintly. We
recycled some, but most we have in a collection, In 1997 we made 4000 item
available for sale. These items are from manufacture you know. All items
are sold as stated in the description.
We have available cameras that use 35mm 120,126, 127, 620 and 828,SX-70,
film sizes. *That include Movie camera, SLR, TLR, Rangefinder, Projector for
slides, 35mm Filmstrip, reg. 8, 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm, Flash, Meters, and
Folder, Lens, Viewer, When you purchase Two, you can save 10% off the
pre-tax, total cost.
All TUAUPE Items are guaranteed to be as stated in the description, If
you are dissatisfied with any of our products or services for any reason,
you may return the item to us for a full and prompt refund. Please note: You
will pay for shipping and ins.
User or collector, Come in and have a look around.
If you plan to use an item, we suggest you ask, If the item is usable, and
or collectible.TUAUPE can be reached by calling
U. Grant Copeland Sr. "Grant"
DeVry 16mm Movie Camera c1930 w/Wollensak F/2.5 Cine Velostigmat 1" focus w/gray cast metal body. This camera is in ex. condition .025
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Mission Statement
TUAUPE, is committed to providing quality, Collectiable and usable Photographic Equipment. and convienent, fast services.
U. Grant Copeland Sr. "Grant" ugc@pacbell.net
TUAUPE P. O. Box 3401 Daly City, Ca. 94015-3401