"TUA Used Photo Equipment"
Hello! Come in and have a look around, You may find that item of collectible or usable photo-graphic equipment, You have been looking, high and low for.
We Buy and sell collectible or usable photographic equipment. Have an item for sale? contact us now, We can and will make a deal, email me with the information, plus a photo, of the item you want to sell.
Please note: This is one of two stores, We have over 100 items on ebay, My ebay ID tuaupe
U. "Grant" Copeland Sr. ugc@pacbell.net
Slide Projector, By: Chas Beseler Co. serial #A1199 Volts 115 Watts 500 lamp, "Lens" 12inch. est. E.T. Roghestero, w/ est. 10 inch. Bellow's Projector and and case are black, This item, works as it should. The overall condition of this is excellent.
I am not sure what this camera dose, But i think stereo photo's. The camera, Has Prontor-Press Shutter, With a P-Sandmar 1:4.5 F=90mm "Germany" lens. serial #1579 "22. 16. 11. 8. 5.6 4.5" With a, Polaroid Land Camera back, Series One Hundred film pack adapter, pat. #2,435.717 Looks like the camera was made by: Mast Development Co. Davenport, Iowa. 52803 part #588-269 . .020
Please note: email us for a price on any item of interest on this site.
Please note: this is one of two stores, Stop by my ebay store, My ebay, ID tuaupe
To get a price on any of the items on this site, email "Ralph Brown" at ugc@pacbell.net
More product Information
We have over 2500 items for sale, ie: 8mm Super 8mm 16/35mm projectors and cameras, 35mm SLR/Rangefinder, TLR, cameras, 35mm filmstrips/slide, Plus 8,16,35mm projectors, Lens, Meters, flashs,VHS cameras and recorders, Just to name a few, If you are looking for used photo equip, Stop looking and contact us, We just may have that item you have been looking for. For more information about who we are and the benefits of our products and services, go to our About page and our What's Newpage. For questions, link to our Contact page.
Have an Antique or classic Camera or Projector, For sell? Plaese email the info to Ralph Brown at: ugc@pacbell.net
(c) 2002, U. Grant Copeland Sr. "All rights reserved"